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WoNiMS Outreach Program

WoNiMS Outreach Program
Jul 16, 2024
This outreach program with school students is to restore and enhance the mathematical knowledge of grades 8-9 students and develop deeper relations between students and the mathematics they learn.
Date: २०८१ साउन ४ गते, शुक्रवार (19 July, 2024)
Time: दिउसो २:०० देखि ४:०० बजे सम्म
स्थानः Pragati Shiksha Sadan Secondary School, Patan

WoNiMS Meet and Greet

WoNiMS Meet and Greet
Jun 11, 2024
A 2-day in-house event will happen to discuss and make plans about WoNiMS Dynamism and endeavors to be taken in the upcoming days at Bhaktapur Guest House.

May 12 Initiative: Celebration of Women in Mathematics 2024

May 12 Initiative: Celebration of Women in Mathematics 2024
May 04, 2024
This event is Dedicated to Secondary School Students and it features a brief presentation about Maryam Mirzakhani and International Women in Mathematics Day followed by an insightful discussion on the role of teachers in fostering girls’ interest in Mathematics including an inspiring talk on Girl's' and school mathematics and career opportunities. And, a presentation by Sofiya Giri, a Grade 10 student, on her firsthand Mathematical Learning Experience!
Date: २०८१ बैशाख ३० गते, आईतबार (12 May, 2024)
Time: दिउसो २:३० देखि ४:३० बजे सम्म
स्थानः Madan Smarak Secondary School, Pulchowk, Lalitpur

IDWGS 2024

IDWGS 2024
Feb 10, 2024
Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS) and Center for Natural and Applied Sciences (CENAS) are jointly celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWGS-2024) in collaboration with Nepal German Academic Association (NEGAAS), Women in STEM Club, Nepal and Pulchowk Engineering Campus, Lalitpur.
Saturday, February 10, 2024 (Magh 27, 2080)
Time – 12- 3 pm Venue – Library Hall, Pulchowk Engineering Campus, Lalitpur, Nepal